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Peace of mind by linking payment to identity.

Cash App Logo


"XL Sweatshirt"

PayPal Logo


"Harry Potter Collectable"

"Harry Potter…"

Venmo Logo


"Falcons Tix"

App screenshot
Venmo Logo


"Vintage Tim Teb…"

Cash App Logo


"Digital Print 8x12"

PayPal Logo


"Eras Tour Tee"

Send and receive payment requests routed to your verified profile and preferred payment platforms, while enhancing your credibility.

Send and receive payment requests routed to your verified profile and preferred payment platforms, while enhancing your credibility.

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App screenshot
Cash App Logo
Cash App Logo


"XL Sweatshirt"

PayPal Logo
PayPal Logo


"Harry Potter Collectable"

Venmo App Logo
Venmo App Logo


"Eras Tour Tee"

How does it work?

App screenshot


Sell an item using an online marketplace like Reddit or Facebook.


Rather than sharing a random payment link, give your buyer peace of mind by sending a verified payment link via VerifyYou.


The buyer can view your payment request, verify your identity, and select one of the linked payment apps on your profile, without having to create their own account.


Once the payment is complete, the transaction count is added to your profile. The buyer can then create their own account and connect with you for faster future transactions.

Increase buyer trust in your transactions.

Increase buyer trust in your transactions.

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Clock Tile

Faster and smoother transactions.

Faster and smoother transactions.

Payment Tile

Customer choice of preferred payment type.

Customer choice of preferred payment type.

Verified Check Tile

Portable credibility across all marketplace platforms.

Portable credibility across all marketplace platforms.

Metrics Tile

Track and record all transactions in one place.

Track and record all transactions in one place.


How much does it cost?

Completely free to use, always.

How much does it cost?

Completely free to use, always.

How much does it cost?

Completely free to use, always.

Where is VerifyYou available?

I sell on multiple sites, does VerifyYou work on all?

What payment apps can be linked to my account?

Will I have to re-establish buyer credibility with VerifyYou?

Do my customers need to have a VerifyYou account?

How does VerifyYou handle disputes between buyers and sellers?

What security measures does VerifyYou implement to protect my information?

Will VerifyYou sell or share my data?

Will VerifyYou access my data directly?

Can I delete my account?

App logo

Get VerifyYou today.

Get VerifyYou today.

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How does it work?

App screenshot
App screenshot


Sell an item using an online marketplace like Reddit or Facebook.


Rather than sharing a random payment link, give your buyer peace of mind by sending a verified payment link via VerifyYou.


The buyer can view your payment request, verify your identity, and select one of the linked payment apps on your profile, without having to create their own account.


Once the payment is complete, the transaction count is added to your profile. The buyer can then create their own account and connect with you for faster future transactions.

App logo
App logo

Get VerifyYou today.

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